Fun In The Desert 6/2000

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Turbo and Jen getting some sun. Yury Eileen gets into the .22 Chicks dig .22's Jerry looking tough. Yury fire his .357 Sig It get's really hot aroung noon and everyone takes a break. My best buddy, Ethan. Turbo takes care of bussiness. Turbo takes aim. Turbo & Eileen kick some ass. Chris puts some rounds down range. Blasting! I would shoot, but I have to look at all these hunky Brad Pitt pictures first! Eileen kills some rocks with a Sig .45 Eileen kills some rocks with a Sig .45 Jen finally gets into the action. Jen shows some skilz with the .45 Chris fires a hand-cannon. Eileen with her favorite gun, a Mossberg 12 Ga. shotgun. I think she likes it. My baby kicking ass with the gauge. Roomies. Jen likes the shotgun too. Chris loading his AK-47. When you absolutley, positively have to kill every last mother fucker in the room, except no substitutes. Cans everywhere fear Turbo when she has a .45 in her hand. Me and my Baby. Eileen, Turbo and me.