Ethan, the handsomest Lundehund in the world!
Ethan, Kellan & Skadie get to know each other.
Frank & Ethan playing together.
Roger with Shasta & Vanessa holding Ethan. It was a hot day & they got tired very quickly.
One of these does not belong in a cage. Can you guess which one?
This would have been funny except that the little girl had been trying to reach the water, on the other side of the bars, for the last half hour.
Frank & Sharon showing Kellan & Skadie. Skadie won.
The stress of competition took its toll on Skadie. She relaxed & had nice nap in the hotel room afterwards.
All text & images copyright 1999 Joe Perrigoue. If you would like to use any of these images please read my copyright policy.